Entries for January, 2011

Hi Guys!~

its been more than a year since i last updated this blog.

but not to worry, because i reopened my blog with a new layout and theme from Aethereality.net

instead of the previous "White Midnight" it is now  entitled "Tropical Rhapsody"

What do you think?



Also,celebrated by 23rd birthday last January 5th, 2011

check it out:




Posted by Iris-Champagne on January 24, 2011 at 02:29 AM | leave a mark

got this from kanipan's blog

Life is good and bad. You know it can never be
perfect and that it never have been, and you're
fine with that. You still feel it's important
to live life since it can end any day and not
sulk because of some little failure in life.
You are often a happy person, still you don't
laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm
aura and most people feel comfortable around

How do you see life?
brought to you by Quizilla
and this is from ate Bea's

You are the Spirit of Hope. Whenever someone is
feeling down, they merely have to think of you
to make them happy again. You have the ability
to simply radiate happiness. You can make
friends quickly because your strong point is
your amazingly friendly nature which naturally
people want to be with. You think about the
best in everything, a total optimist, you won't
have any trouble getting a worthy person to
shae your life with!

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Currently listening to: random things
Currently reading: what i jsut wrote
Currently watching: Starworld
Currently feeling: apathetic
Posted by Iris-Champagne on January 24, 2011 at 03:27 PM | leave a mark
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