
??Which colour of Death is yours??
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the sad teen. Everything in life is f*ckin'
miserable. You constantly look over your
shoulder and wonder who is judging you...even
when you are alone. So naturally, you have
become a little paranoid and pessamistic. Your
personality can be one demensional but
confusing. You are constantly bored with life
and wish that something could spice it up. You
have a unique view on life and have identified
the problems with school society (Ex...what
makes popular people, how the student mind
works...) You would rather be alone because you
hate being hurt. You tend to think that no one
understands you, not even your parents /
guardians / friends. But that is just the
opposite! The people who love you want to
help, but they don't know how because they have
a feeling that they will say something wrong
and turn you away. You have to let them know
that you are willing to hear what they have to
say...and it might do some good to listen to

Some fields you might consider going
in when you are older...Judge, author,
songwriter, producer, therapist, psychologist,
philosopher, or forensic scientist. You need a
job where you can express yourself and your
views on life. Or you need a field where you
can judge others and predict what is going on
in others life. Either way... you have the
personality to get you a good job that will
support you throughout life.

What type of teenager are you?
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You are a Passionate Kisser there is some thing
about your approach to kissing that is natural,
smooth and ultimatly very charming, that is
right you know the right moves to lure your
mate, some may call you a player, but you know
that it is just a cover for what you really
feel toward your partner.

What kind of kisser are you?
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You hide behind The Anger Mask. you like to show
people that you are strong and make them fear
you, cuz you think this way you got everything
under control you hate to show your emotions,
you think that makes you weak, you don't like
any one to argue with you, judge you or
criticize you, you are totally convinced that
your decisions are always right, you probably
like politics, some people might say you are
selfish, but you don't agree with them "by
the way i'm not judging you so don't hate

What kind of masks you hide behind? (i added pix)
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HASH<br />
					<div class= Currently listening to: Two Mix - Truth (Detective Conan)
Currently reading: Lady Murasaki - Tale of Genji (The Broom Tree)
Currently watching: Gundam Seed Destiny ep 15
Currently feeling: bored

Posted by Iris-Champagne on April 11, 2005 at 07:26 PM | 1 left a mark

julie-ann (guest)

Comment posted on April 15th, 2005 at 07:08 AM
ei, hi there! can you sign my guest book? and oh, did you add me in your friends' list? thanks
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