Today was fun and it went a little something like this:



Baby Leftie, Mommy Kitty and the rest of the family went to Dasma, Cavite

to Tita's Place for a little family get together.



arrived there about lunch time and we had shit load of fun talking and catching up with relatives.


after hours of talk, soda drinking, laughing, singing, jamming,

dancing, picture-taking and catching up,

look who we found parking her new baby XD:




here's Baby Letfie with Baby Porshia when they met.




guess who's on my Mommy Kitty's Dash? :p




then Mommy Kitty went for a little touch-up before going to her shoot



here are some shoot out takes with Mommy's Porche for

RAJAN Motors:



people involved does not wish to be named D:

but, thanks to them this shoot was fun and "colorful"




all the while Mommy Kitty was busy, Baby Leftie did a thing of her own,

charming people and making them happy:

the swing with Yhanna XD

and random pics with Raishelle they ever got "terno" colors ^^'



more out takes!~:





Fin'ly heading home. <3




Posted by Iris-Champagne on August 7, 2011 at 10:19 PM | leave a mark
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