Leftie's UST Homecoming with Mommy Kitty and Tita Jini



She met lots of new friends along the way 

Tita Jini's Red Pentax


Ate Sam

Ate Joyceeeee~


Tita Jini's Mr. Green Tea Moisturizer XD


even Ate Iya was there



Then, Mommy Kitty introduced Baby Leftie to ILLUST

and the kids

That's Mommy liking Kuya Jobo's Jacket, but sadly, Jobo doesnt wanna let the jacket go~

she even swam with bubbles (courtesy of Ate Gale and her extra poweful lungs) ;p

and that's Tita Jini's hand holding her. ^^'



A few more surprise guests arrived:

Lolo Javy and..


Tita Ice




That's Mommy Kitty sitting on the table just like she used to back in college XD

then, before heading home, Baby Leftie saw how Mommy Kitty looked like back in colllege when Daddy Bunny met her

then as we we're heading home~




Baby Leftie had to ride the tire swing.

a postcard to send to Daddy Bunny saying

"when will you be visiting us?" 


Currently listening to: Emmanuel Moire - Life Passes by
Posted by Iris-Champagne on August 9, 2011 at 08:58 PM | leave a mark
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