Was reflecting on changes within me after he [The Prince Charming] left, it became clear that my loyalty has kept me in some situations that common sense should have taken me out.

2018 and 2019 have been the hardest years of my life (so far), but 2019 really did a number on me; became close to people I never thought I'd become friends with and lost some who I thought will stand by me forever and for always. But now I am [maybe] settled in thinking that the people I meet are there for a reason, a season or a lifetime. 

This year, I cried so much and probably did more than the first 3 years of my life; I'm glad this year is almost over; and for the first time, in a very long time, I am hopeful of all the possibilities the future holds.

Today is about fearless confidence. I feel a little guilty how good it felt without him. I felt like my anxiety has been lifted and all I have to worry about is being good at what I do and become who I wish to be. Then, suddenly, I am back to being good at the things I am passionate about.


If the feeling is gone,
please don't pretend that you still love me

I can see it in your eyes
and it hurts to admit it

All I ask is just a little honesty,
though I know that you're not coming back to me

You know I'll do anything to make you stay

but I just have to let you go...

...if the feeling is gone.

Or maybe, love will lead you back?

I honestly don't care anymore.


I am good.

I am exactly where I need to be.

I have my own music to dance to...

...but you're welcome to do a mash up or a duet with me.



Nothing is true; everything is permitted.

Currently listening to: Late Night Alumni - Potions
Currently feeling: contemplative
Posted by Iris-Champagne on November 18, 2019 at 12:00 PM | leave a mark
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