The road of life twists and turns; and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.

So, take your fcking pill. Take it. You may feel strong enough without it, but it's not for the good days. It's because of it that you get to enjoy some semblance of sunshine. 

Sometimes your salvation is inside a little orange bottle or written in a prescription pad; and nothing is wrong with that.

No one has the right to judge you, specially those who don't trully know you.

You deserve it. You deserve to be happy, to be healthy, to feel joy and be who you wish to be.

More importantly, you deserve a brain that is kind to you. A kind of brain you can trust. You deserve to trust yourself again. Be kind to yourself and heal.

Heal so that if you're lucky enough to find someone who is a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind, you could hold on to them.

Because they'll be yours at two in the morning and at two in the afternoon the following day

They'll kiss you where it hurts, until it hurts and that is important;

Someone who not only knows how to turn you on, but how to treat you right is someone worth a little something.


Most importantly: Heal. 

Heal, so that when that someone tells you "you're beautiful" you may allow yourself to believe them, and receive the love that you deserve.



For my epic love; my immortal beloved, Frieden Pracht:

I look at you like maybe you are magic.

you are my hell fire and holy water,

where ever you may be, you are where you are needed

and I am where exactly I am supposed to be.

Pain is our greatest teacher, our enemy and our allies,

and we are the victims of bound forever but never destined to be together.

Just like how a stream flows in to a fall, 

someday our paths are gonna cross once more,

it does not really matter when, where or how,

as long as you are with me, we can begin again:

Aethereal Epic.



Currently listening to: Late Night Alumni - Potions
Posted by Iris-Champagne on November 21, 2019 at 07:50 AM | leave a mark
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