Happy New year, My Lovelies! Thank you for the love and support you've been sending me through mail and dm's these past few weeks. I have to say, I did not expect such love going through what I did. But now, I'm in a good place, and starting the year right (in February!) LOL.

I'm going out of the unexpected hiatus and once again, delving with heart on sleeve, head first, fearless in to the woods. 

Acceptance is the final part and the hardest. Consciously letting feelings die and getting settled in the fact that everything is over, is the first step towards growth and change.  Just like the tarot card of Death:


"A card of ending before an utter trasformation. It is time to get rid of what is no longer useful. Seek closure before moving on. This may not be an easy change but it is necessry of one's maturation and well-being. Only when stagnant energy is feed up, new things will come. Let go and trust in the universe."

CBD (Cannabidiol) as maintenance medication because doctor already removed Doxepin, and now on the way to getting off Flouxitine in the next couple of months.

Finally, things are looking up and play time is almost over.

"Perspective is important in life."

"When things are falling apart, look again, they might be falling in to place."

>>play the sound cloud above and enjoy!<<

Posted by Iris-Champagne on February 7, 2020 at 05:56 AM | leave a mark
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