Death. An ending before an utter trasformation, as a caterpillar in a coccoon on the verge of trasforming in to a butterfly. 

It is time to get rid of what is no longer useful. Only when you free up stagnant energy will new things come. It might not be an easy change but it is necessary for maturation and well-being

In a time of painful loss, find solace in knowing that you will look back at the time as a the beginning of a new life chapter. 

Must let go and trust in the Universe. 

Live and let live,

fairly take and fairly give.

Now, I have found a home:

a place my heart and soul truly loves;

and where my honesty will never be taken advantage of.

Blessed Be, My loves. 

Posted by Iris-Champagne on June 23, 2020 at 10:04 AM | leave a mark
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